Donate Cloth Diapers

Salem Cloth Project collects new and used cloth diaper & cloth diaper accessories. In 2021, we distributed over 3,000 cloth diapers & 2,000 cloth wipes. Please consider donating your used cloth diapers to SCP, to help us continue to support families.
What we accept
- Clean & good condition cloth diapers (prefolds, flats, covers, inserts, pocket diapers, all-in-ones and all-in-twos)
- Cloth wipes
- Pail liners
- Wet bags
- Snappis
- Diaper sprayers (must be functional)
If you have diapers that need elastic repairs, please contact us before donating. We only limited capacity to accept diapers that need repairs.
What we do not accept

- Homemade cloth diapers (with exception of prefolds / flats)
- Cloth diapers with holes or tears
- Cloth diapers with severe stains or odors
- Baby clothes or accessories
Most of the families we serve are new to using cloth diapers. Because of this we want to ensure that the diapers we are providing are of the highest quality and will not deter them from continuing to use cloth. Please keep this in mind when you donate your diapers.Â
Cloth Diaper Donation Sites
Family Building Blocks - Chelsea’s Place
2425 Lancaster Dr. NE Salem, OR
Open Monday - Thursday, 9-4:30pm & Friday 9-2:00pm
Ship to Salem Cloth Project
Email us at for shipping instructions.
All donations of cloth diapers are tax deductible. Please request a donation form when you donate.Â