Halloween Costume Swap

Halloween costume swap

The Halloween Costume Swap will be on October 12th from 11am - 1pm at Englewood Elementary School. The event will be held at the main entrance of the school near the corner of 19th & Nebraska Street. Please note that there will be special access for Englewood families only from 10am - 11am. 

10am - 11am Englewood Elementary families only

11am - 1pm Open to the public

In addition to free costumes, we will also have face painting, clothes mending and a coffee cart! You will not want to miss out on this fantastic community event.

Superman costume

Things to know:

  • We will have costumes for all ages.
  • Last year we had over 200 costumes to choose from.
  • You can drop off costumes ahead of time at the locations listed below.
  • Or you can bring costumes the day of the event.
  • However, you do not need to bring a costume to take a costume home.
  • You do not need to have the person you're "shopping" for present at the swap. 
  • We ask that you only take what you need for the season, so everyone has enough.

Costume Collection Site Locations

You can drop off costumes until October 11th. 

  • Salem Public Library Main Branch 2nd Floor near the Youth Librarian Desk

Volunteers Needed!

If you're looking to participate in a lively, feel-good, community event, this is place to be! We can use volunteers for the following roles:

  • Sorting & tagging costumes
  • Passing out event posters to businesses and organizations
  • Day of event set up
  • Day of event tear down
  • Delivering left over costumes to other organizations

Email Kaileigh at info@salemclothproject.org if you're interested in volunteering.